Ro Gregg
Ro Gregg
Ro Gregg is recognized in the market for excellence in quilt, craft and home decorating. She has been designing fabrics for quilters for more than two decades with style and distinction. Ro is the recipient of thirteen prestigious Tommy awards and over fifty nominations from the American Printed Fabric Council for “Outstanding Design”. She has also been featured as an American quilt and home designer at Liberty of London in the U.K. and is a member of the American Quilter’s Society.
Inspired by her love of nature and flowers Ro has designed thousands of fabrics with a trendy romantic freshness. Ro says, “Designing for the much loved tradition of American quilting is truly gratifying”. Driven by her passion for quilts and home decorating, Ro Gregg collaborated on the quilt and home decorating workbook, “Easy Sew I and II”, which features timeless quilt designs and endless decorating tips. She loves designing her own quilts to showcase her fabric collection and is also an avid collector of antique quilts, fabric and china. Ro and her husband live in Short Hills New Jersey where she also finds time to enjoy the beach, nature walks and her dog.